Michele Liebler

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Michele Liebler received her B.F.A. from Purchase College in painting and drawing and her M.F.A. from Brooklyn College. She studied with Mary Beth McKenzie. She has exhibited in such venues as Parrish Art Museum, Arnot Art Museum, National Academy Museum, Butler Institute of American Art and private collections internationally. She received numerous awards including Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, GIP Grant, Horlick Painting Award, and Arnot Art Museum Award for Painting. She is represented by First Street Gallery in NYC.


Painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Michele Liebler

Painting and Drawing with Mixed Media Online
Michele Liebler

Experiment with a variety of mediums in combination with various types of surfaces. Students can use graphite, gouache, watercolor, oil paint, and colored pencils in this class. The surface directly influences mark-making whether your style is traditional or contemporary. Many different artists used mixed media such as Degas, Romare Bearden, Jasper John, Jim Dine, and Rauschenberg just to name a few. The combinations are endless, but the basic idea is to combine and layer materials to create unique works. 

Students will work closely with the instructor through zoom, email, and FaceTime.

#online #mixedmedia

Drawing and painting, family art, family activitiesMichele Liebler

Drawing & Painting Together
Michele Liebler


Nurture your family’s creativity together. Parents and kids 11+ work on various art projects. Explore art through painting and drawing. Structured projects will be given to create original pieces of art.


Art Portfolio, High school, Michele Liebler

Portfolio Prep for Art High School
Michele Liebler


Join our online portfolio prep class for middle school students auditioning for specialized art high schools in NYC and AP art classes. Students will develop skills from working from observation while exploring different media. Art pieces will be selected for their portfolio.
